Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
The Arts at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
The arts are a notable part of each of UC’s unique campuses. You can find creativity in every corner of Campus Oriente. It holds the Faculty of Arts (FAR), which gathers the School of Art, the School of Drama, the Institute of Music. Besides, in this Campus is located the Institute of Aesthetics.This campus has two art galleries (Galería Macchina and Espacio Vilches), a cultural center where exhibitions and concerts are made, and a permanent exhibition room of an interesting collection of the material culture of the indigenous people of the Chilean territory (Aula Nuestros Pueblos Originarios). Also, it presents the Music Season made by the Institute of Music (IMUC). Campus Lo Contador is located in a colonial house, serving as home for the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urban Studies; you can also find the Artesanía UC Programme (UC Crafts Programme), dedicated to research, protect and highlight the value of Chilean and Latin-American crafts. Campus San Joaquín is the biggest UC campus and it holds the Faculty of Literature, where Spanish and English Literature and Linguistics are taught and researched. Campus Casa Central (Main Campus) is in the core of Santiago city and houses the Faculty of Communications and its Audiovisual Direction Department, dedicated to the study and development of different filming-related projects. It owns a Chilean films repository that possesses film works from the ’60s to the present called Archivo Fílmico UC (UC Film Archive). Campus Villarrica is located in Villarrica, Araucanía Region; every year at this campus the Jornadas Culturales de Villarrica (Cultural Festival of Villarrica), invites the local people to participate in cultural and artistic activities.
Since 2012, the Artifica la UC Festival has presented works of performing arts (theater, dance, music and opera) at UC campuses, free of charge. In addition, projects such as “Artifica tu Barrio” are implemented, which takes artistic works to different spaces in the city of Santiago, or “Artifica tu Casa” which presents online talks to educate about arts and culture. Teatro UC is the main theater of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, located in Ñuñoa.

a2ru Campus Contacts

Miryam Singer is director at the Office for the Arts and Culture (DAC), set in the Vicepresidency for Research of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC). The Office promotes artistic creation and research in arts and facilitates conditions for the members of the UC community to come into contact with art, whether as researchers, creators or audiences. Besides, it establishes interdisciplinary links with nationals and international networks, in order to build a wider community of interest between members of the UC and the world.
She is also an architect, soprano, producer, opera director and set and costumes designer. During her career as soprano, she performed in Switzerland, Uruguay, Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela, Guatemala, Mexico, Costa Rica, Israel, Russia and the United States. She has directed operas and concerts in Chile, Uruguay and Israel. At UC, besides directing the Office for the Arts and Culture, she is a faculty member at the Music Institute (IMUC), where she teaches the Opera Workshop and a course on the Experience of the Arts.

Milena Grass is director of the Center for Research on Theater and Society and more recently she is also director of the first Nucleo Milenio Initiative dedicated to the research of arts and humanities. Her research is focused on the links between theater, myth, history and memory.

Alexei Vergara is an actor trained at the UC Drama School and has an MA in Actor Training and Coaching at Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, London. His research is focused on training methodologies of professional actors and the study of curricular models in theater.

Dean Mario Ubilla is an Architect from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and a Designer from the Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. He has worked in the professional field, as well as in the teaching and research one. His line of research is related to the uses of wood, specifically for the design of prefabricated components and for the industrialization of Construction Systems in said material.

Sebastián Schoennenbeck is Director of the Literature Department. He has a Doctoral degree in Spanish-American and Chilean literature, from the Universidad de Chile; a Master degree in Latin-American literature, from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. His postdoctoral research is focused on the work of the great Chilean writer José Donoso and his relations with English literature. He also researches culture and gender. He is currently doing research on the representation of the garden in Chilean narrative He is the author of the book José Donoso: landscapes, routes and leaks (Orjikh editors in 2015). Among his academic publications, he points out the articles “On houses, windows and looks: an appointment with José Donoso and Henry James”, “The witch and the rupture of an order in The obscene bird of the night” and “Death in the paradise: a view of the representation of the garden in the work of María Luisa Bombal (1910-1980)”.

Susana Foxley is a director, researcher and scriptwriter of documentaries, with a Master in Documentary Direction for TV at Goldsmiths College and a Master in Drama and Theater Studies at Royal Holloway, University of London.
She directs the Audiovisual Direction Degree at the Catholic University of Chile, where she has been a professor since 2002. She is the coordinator of the UC Film Archive (www.archivofilmico.uc.cl). She has participated as director, co director and screenwriter in unit and serial documentaries, including the radio series “Local Hymns” (2010-2011), the documentary “The Building of the Chileans” (2010) or “Nema Problema “, among other projects. She is the director of the interactive documentary “The Time that Remains”, produced in the Social Communications Lab UC, which will be released on 2020.