Social Justice and the Arts Arts Organizations Partnering with their Communities to Advance Social Justice

October 9, 2018

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J.A. Dewald

The purpose of this examination is to provide information to enhance the creative work of the Open Buffalo Arts Network as the initiative moves forward.

This research relied heavily upon what is contained on websites, so a more accurate accounting of the program or network may be sought through personal contact with staff. Online and/or telephone contact information is included.

Not meant as an exhaustive list of relevant places to study, this report represents a variety of small and large organizations that are currently addressing issues of justice and opportunity, worker equity, and high road economic development, and similar topics. The programs or policy organizations in this document are arranged by listing first those potentially the most useful to Open Buffalo or like-minded organizations. However, all the programs listed have interest as creative, purposeful, and sometimes “out of the box” ways to advance social justice and the arts.

Source: Report Introduction

