Situating Creative Practice as Research Workshop

Tenure and Promotion Policy, Workshops

“We in the arts need this resource.” –Workshop participant 2021

In some contexts–tenure and promotion processes, certain funding opportunities, and interdisciplinary collaborations, for example–it is advantageous for faculty in the arts and design to frame their creative practice as research. The workshop approaches this situation not as an onerous task of fitting a round hole into a square peg, but rather as a generative opportunity for faculty to understand their own work in new and energizing ways.

In this half-day workshop, participants investigate a range of understandings of “research,” adopting and personalizing one that fits their creative practice as well as their goals. The workshop includes time-on-task to build out this understanding of creative practice as research, to frame it for specific audiences, and to refine both the understanding and the communication with peers.The workshop is available in virtual and in-person formats.

For information about hosting a Situating Creative Practice as Research Workshop on your campus, contact a2ru Research Programs Manager Veronica Stanich at vstanich@umich.edu. The price of all workshops is reduced for a2ru member institutions.