Interdisciplinary, Member News

June 1, 2018

Made possible by the University of Wisconsin–Madison’s Cluster Hiring Initiative, the Arts Institute’s Interdisciplinary Arts Residency Program brings innovative, world-class artists to campus for a semester long residency sponsored by two or more departments.

The Interdisciplinary Arts Residency Program enables the Arts Institute to support extended residencies for the benefit of all arts departments and programs of the University. This program is interdepartmental and interdisciplinary. While in residence, artists teach an interdisciplinary course for university credit, present at least one free public event, and participate in community outreach activities. The program gives students exposure to working artists, provides course credit, and strengthens programmatic ties among individual departments, programs, and other campus and community arts entities.

Since 1999, we have hosted more than 30 full arts residencies involving more than 60 units university units and community organizations.https://artsinstitute.wisc.edu/programs/iarp/