Training from Creative Community Builders

Finding Funding, Economic Development, Community Development, Equity, How to do Creative Placemaking

Training is offered in community organizing, speaking, facilitation, curriculum development, and planning leading to widely owned community efforts to build civic engagement, cultural bridges, equitable local economic development, and a vibrant public realm. These fee-based services are fully customizable, offered remotely, and in person across the United States and internationally.

Contact: Tom Borrup at tom@creativecommunitybuilders.com

Types of training available

• Introduction to Creative Placemaking and Inspiration • How to do Creative Placemaking work • Co-Creation of Creative Placemaking work and projects • Community based planning and capacity building incorporating cross-cultural dialogue and bridging among sectors • Opportunity assessment • Goal clarification • Strategic initiatives

Who is this training for?

• Community-based organizations/Practitioners • Arts and cultural organizations • Community planning and development practitioners • Those who teach about creative placemaking

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