Training from ArtUp

Artists, Planners, Training Providers, Design, Community Development, How to do Creative Placemaking

Consulting work in the area that includes community-engaged design, workshop facilitation, and project identification and management. ArtUp consultants include artists AND community members trained in arts-based community revitalization, entrepreneurship, and community engagement. They work with urban and rural locations across the country. Based in the Mid-South, they offer customizable training nationwide, in person and remotely.

Contact: Linda Steele at linda@weartup.org

Types of training available • Introduction to Creative Placemaking and Inspiration • How to do Creative Placemaking work • Co-Creation of Creative Placemaking work and projects

Who is this training for? • Community-based organizations/Practitioners • Artists • Arts and cultural organizations • Government • Community planning and development practitioners T • Those who teach about creative placemaking • Real Estate Developers

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