Minneapolis Creative Citymaking

Elected Officials, Government, For Local Government, What is Creative Placemaking?

Rainbow Research conducted a Developmental Evaluation of the Minneapolis Creative CityMaking (CCM) program 2015-2016, funded by the Kresge Foundation. CCM was administered and directed through a collaboration of Intermedia Arts (IA) and the Arts, Culture and the Creative Economy (ACCE) unit of the City of Minneapolis. It was an arts-based innovation initiative that in 2015-2016 paired city staff in five City of Minneapolis departments with nine experienced community artists to generate new arts-based, field-tested approaches that engage traditionally underrepresented communities and stimulate innovative thinking and practices for more responsive government. This work increased the capacity of municipal government to address inequities in political representation, housing, transportation, and community engagement. Creative CityMaking intentionally cultivates intersections where City staff and artists work together to address issues of disparity among people who live, work, or study in Minneapolis. These intersections give birth to new thinking, allowing diverse voices to be heard, residents to influence decision-making, and government to create a city that works for all.

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