Closing the Water Access Gap in the U.S.: A National Action Plan

Artists, Arts organizations, Elected Officials, Government, Cross-Sector Collaboration, For Local Government, Environment and Energy, Health, Community Development, Cross-Sector Collaboration, Equity, Rural, Sustainability

Over the last three years, the US Water Alliance has been on a journey to understand how water systems affect vulnerable people and to advance more equitable water management practices. We developed a national framework and produced the most comprehensive report to date on the water access challenge, using data analysis and on-the-ground research to understand the numbers and accelerate promising solutions. Through this research, they found that more than two million Americans live without access to running water, indoor plumbing, and safe sanitation. In response, we've crafted a four-part action plan to solve this challenge: Reimagine the Solution, Deploy Resources Strategically, Build Community Power, and Foster Creative Collaboration.

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