Arts U: Training from Americans for the Arts

Arts organizations, Training Providers, How to do Creative Placemaking, Measuring and Evaluation

Focus on professional development for local arts agencies, and a wide-range of online and in-person training with relevant training and technical assistance such as public art and civic design, shaping and sustaining municipal/artists partnerships, arts-based community development, arts and civic engagement, cultural planning, evaluation, and social impact of the arts. This free and fee-based training is customizable, open to communities across the U.S and is offered in person and remotely.

Contact: Patricia Walsh, Public Art & Civic Design Senior Program Manager at artsu@artsusa.org

Types of training available • Introduction to Creative Placemaking and Inspiration • How to do Creative Placemaking work • Co-Creation of Creative Placemaking work and projects • Arts management and education • Leadership and advocacy • Cultural districts • The creative economy and marketing • Economic impact of the arts • Arts and businesses partnerships.

Who is this training for? • Community-based organizations/Practitioners • Artists • Arts and cultural organizations • Government • Community planning and development practitioners • Cross Sector/Cross-field groups • Those who teach creative placemaking

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