How to Do Creative Placemaking (2016)

Creative Placemaking

September 28, 2018

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Created by the National Endowment for the Arts, How to Do Creative Placemaking is an action-oriented guide for making places better. This book includes instructional and thought-provoking case studies and essays from today’s leading thinkers in creative placemaking. It describes the diverse ways that arts organizations and artists can play an essential role in the success of communities across America.

The book is laid out to help you easily navigate the creative placemaking topics you might find interesting. Each section has a series of essays from the best minds in this field, and also some case studies of projects funded through the NEA’s signature arts and community development program—Our Town. Use the Our Town case studies to expand your imagination on what artists and the arts can do to impact community.

Commissioned by Created by the National Endowment for the Arts

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