Arts and the Public Good: The Resilience of Creativity and Community in Detroit–A Foucs on the Visual Arts

Jun 24, 2021 4:00pm-5:30pm EST

Musicians, actors, artists, and institutions have had their ability to practice, perform and exhibit severely impeded by the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the challenges, many have developed creative ways to stay active with their craft and engage the community. Join us for an interactive discussion via Zoom of the various ways artists and institutions in the Detroit area have persevered and even thrived during the COVID-19 pandemic. This first Town Hall will focus on the Visual Arts.

– Maryrose Flanigan, Executive Director, Alliance for the Arts in Research Universities (a2ru)
– Oliver Ragsdale, President & Chief Executive Officer, the Carr Center
– Asia Hamilton, Founder & Director, Northwest Gallery of Art
– Senghor Reid, Artist, and Educator
– George N’Namdi, CEO at N’Namdi Center for Contemporary Art