a2ru Ground Works Releases Special Issue “Vibrant Ecologies of Research”

Aug 18, 2022
Ground Works, a2ru’s peer-reviewed online platform for arts-integrated research, is thrilled to announce the publication of its first special collection, Vibrant Ecologies of Research. The collection explores guest Editor Aaron D. Knochel’s question: “What are the elements necessary to create a vibrant ecology of research where art and design inquiry may flourish alongside, within, and out of social and physical science research that is so deeply embedded within the fiber of research-oriented universities?” Each of the five peer-reviewed projects and three invited commentaries in the collection offers a unique answer.
Knochel, an Associate Professor of Art Education at Penn State University, observes, “Art and design have an important role to play in meeting the many challenges that we face, and the special collection explores the complexities and opportunities that arise when deep collaborations and critical interventions permeate different domains of the academy. My hope is that it serves both as a testament to praxis and a call to further action.”
Managing Editor Veronica Stanich adds, “Vibrant Ecologies has pushed us to question our default practices for publishing an online journal. For example, the collection has an interactive concept map that visually represents some of the thematic connections among the projects, encouraging readers to understand the projects in relationship to each other and to Knochel’s central question. The concept map also serves as an alternative entry point to the collection alongside the table of contents, providing readers a means to move through the material in a non-linear way.”
The five peer-reviewed projects included in the issue are:
- “ASKXXII: Ecologies of Interdisciplinary Research and Practice in Art+Science and Technology” by Genevieve G. Tremblay (Coastal Social-Ecological Millennium Institute SECOS), Jeff Brice (Kentucky College of Fine Art and Design), Fernanda Dunlop (Instituto Milenio en Socio-Ecología Costera SECOS), Nelida Pohl (Instituto de Ecologia y Biodiversidad), and Belen Gallardo
- “Fresh Press Agri-Fiber Paper Lab” by Eric Benson (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
- “In a Time of Change: A Nested Ecosystem of Environmental Arts, Humanities and Science Collaboration” by Mary Beth Leigh (University of Alaska Fairbanks) and Lissy Goralnik (Michigan State University)
- “Just-in-Time Ecology of Interdisciplinarity: Working with ‘Viral Imaginations’ in Pandemic Times” by Lauren Stetz, Karen Keifer-Boyd, and Michele Mekel (Penn State University)
- “Translating Outcomes: Reflections on ArtPlace America’s Cross Sector Research” by Jamie Hand (Creatives Rebuild New York)
The three invited commentaries in the issue are:
- “Ecologies of Transdisciplinary Research” by Paul Shrivastava (Penn State University), Laszlo Zsolnai (Corvinus University of Budapest), David Wasieleski (Duquesne University), and Philippe Mairesse (ICN Business School)
- “Cripping Media Art Ecologies” by Lindsey D. Felt (Stanford University) and Vanessa Chang (California College of the Arts)
- “Becoming Desirably Strange: A Dialogue Between Aaron Knochel and Roger Malina” by Aaron D. Knochel (Penn State University and Roger Malina (The University of Texas at Dallas)
a2ru Ground Works has a rolling call for general submissions. The Editorial Board welcomes submissions that integrate research and practice in the fine, performing, and applied arts and design with other disciplines. To learn more or submit a proposal, visit the Ground Works website.