RIT: Magic

Member News, Multidisciplinary

July 31, 2018

The RIT MAGIC Center will lead higher education in the exploration, experimentation, design, development, and deployment of interactive, experimental, expressive and social media.
The MAGIC Center is designed to bridge the gap between research and prototyping, and the ability to bring industry polish and commercial scale and support to myriad projects. This allows these works to have wider and greater impact. For this reason, MAGIC is composed of both a research laboratory (in which many other labs and working groups are housed or affiliated), and a production studio (which leverages our discoveries in ways that more broadly disseminate our work to peers and to the public at large).

The MAGIC Center at RIT is a conscious and deliberate effort to blur the lines between the arts and the sciences, between technology and expression, between the study of the creation of media and its impact and effect on society and the human condition. It is intended as a university wide, multi- and cross-disciplinary center in which faculty, staff, and student researchers, artists, and practitioners come together to create, contextualize, and apply new knowledge in a multitude of related fields and disciplines as appropriate not only to STEM, or the Arts & Humanities, but their intersection.
