Creative Exchange

January 7, 2019

Good ideas are everywhere

At Springboard for the Arts, we started writing toolkits with our Community Supported Art program. As we started sharing that resource – a practical, creative document – we realized that this was how we wanted to scale our work, by sharing it freely, and supporting replications and adaptations across the country.

Since then, we’ve created toolkits for our Work of Art: Business Skills for Artists curriculum, artist-led community development practice, and more programs. We’ve partnered with other artists and organizations to create toolkits from their programs, and wrote a Toolkit Toolkit to help others share their work. And we’ve promoted toolkits from others that share this mission – to cultivate and support creative people power and the movement for local culture. Over 7000 toolkits have been downloaded from Creative Exchange, used for replication, adaptation, and sparking new partnerships. Find highlights below, or see all the toolkits here.

2018 Toolkit Cohort

In April 2018 we launched the Toolkit Toolkit to help people share resources, and announced our 2018 Toolkit Cohort, working with artists across the country to create toolkits from their engaging, creative projects. These are the toolkits for the creative, artist-led engagements that have come from the Toolkit Cohort!

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